.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _server-plugins-generators-tgenshi-bcfg2-cron: bcfg2-cron ========== As submitted by Kamil Kisiel The following is my ``/etc/cron.d/bcfg2`` file. It uses the python random module seeded with the client hostname to generate a random time for the client to check in. The hostname seed ensures the generated file is the same each time the client checks in. This cron file helps to distribute the load on the Bcfg2 server since not all machines are checking in at the same time.:: {% python from genshi.builder import tag import random random.seed(metadata.hostname) %}\ ${random.randint(0,60)} * * * * root /usr/sbin/bcfg2 &> /dev/null You can apply the same concept to the other time fields by adding another ``${random.randint()}`` call.