.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _doc-styleguide: Documentation Style Guide for Bcfg2 =================================== This is a style guide to use when creating documentation for Bcfg2. It is meant to be helpful, not a hinderence. Basics ------ **Bcfg2** When referring to project, Bcfg2 is the preferred use of cases. **Monospace fonts** When referring to commands written on the command line use monospace fonts. **Repository** When used alone this refers to a Bcfg2 :term:`repository`. When there is a chance for confusion, for instance in documents also talking about :term:`VCS`, be sure to use the longer Bcfg2 :term:`repository`. Sections -------- Unless necessary, all the documentation follows the sections header rules available at http://docs.python.org/documenting/rest.html#sections.