

This guide is work in progess.

This is a complete getting started guide for Fedora. With this document you should be able to install a Bcfg2 server, a Bcfg2 client, and change the /etc/motd file on the client.


To setup a configuration management system based on Bcfg2 only a few prerequisites need to be fullfilled.

  • A server machine that can host the Bcfg2
  • Internet access for the installation process
  • A working network with DNS

Install Bcfg2 From RPM

The fastest way to get Bcfg2 onto your system is to use yum or PackageKit. yum will pull all dependencies of Bcfg2 automatically in.

$ su -c 'yum install bcfg2-server bcfg2'

Your system should now have the necessary software to use Bcfg2. The next step is to set up your Bcfg2 repository.

Initialize your repository

Now that you’re done with the install, you need to initialize your repository and setup your /etc/bcfg2.conf. bcfg2-admin init is a tool which allows you to automate this:

# bcfg2-admin init
Store bcfg2 configuration in [/etc/bcfg2.conf]:
Location of bcfg2 repository [/var/lib/bcfg2]:
Directory /var/lib/bcfg2 exists. Overwrite? [y/N]:y
Input password used for communication verification (without echoing; leave blank for a random):
What is the server's hostname: []
Input the server location []:
Input base Operating System for clients:
1: Red Hat/Fedora/RHEL/RHAS/Centos
3: Mandrake
4: Debian
5: Ubuntu
6: Gentoo
7: FreeBSD
: 1
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/bcfg2.key'
Signature ok
Getting Private key
Repository created successfuly in /var/lib/bcfg2

Change responses as necessary.

Start the server

You are now ready to start your Bcfg2 server for the first time:

$ su -c '/etc/init.d/bcfg2-server start'
Starting Configuration Management Server: bcfg2-server     [  OK  ]

To verify that everything started ok, look for the running daemon and check the logs:

$ su -c 'tail /var/log/messages'
May 16 14:14:57 config01 bcfg2-server[2746]: service available at
May 16 14:14:57 config01 bcfg2-server[2746]: serving bcfg2-server at
May 16 14:14:57 config01 bcfg2-server[2746]: serve_forever() [start]
May 16 14:14:57 config01 bcfg2-server[2746]: Handled 16 events in 0.009s

Run bcfg2 to be sure you are able to communicate with the server:

$ su -c 'bcfg2 -vqne'

/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Bcfg2/Client/Tools/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
  import md5
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Loaded tool drivers:
 Action     Chkconfig  POSIX      YUMng
Extra Package imsettings-libs 0.108.0-2.fc13.i686.
Extra Package PackageKit-device-rebind 0.6.4-1.fc13.i686.
Extra Package newt-python 0.52.11-2.fc13.i686.
Extra Package pulseaudio-gdm-hooks 0.9.21-6.fc13.i686.

Phase: initial
Correct entries:    0
Incorrect entries:  0
Total managed entries:      0
Unmanaged entries:  1314

Phase: final
Correct entries:    0
Incorrect entries:  0
Total managed entries:      0
Unmanaged entries:  1314
 Package:ConsoleKit                         Package:jasper-libs                        Package:pcsc-lite-libs
 Package:ConsoleKit-libs                    Package:java-1.5.0-gcj                     Package:perf
 Package:iw                                 Package:pcre                               Service:sshd
 Package:jack-audio-connection-kit          Package:pcsc-lite                          Service:udev-post

The bcfg2.conf file contains only standard plugins so far.

$ su -c 'cat /etc/bcfg2.conf'

repository = /var/lib/bcfg2
plugins = SSHbase,Cfg,Pkgmgr,Rules,Metadata,Base,Bundler

sendmailpath = /usr/lib/sendmail
database_engine = sqlite3
# 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'mysql_old', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'.
database_name =
# Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
#<repository>/etc/brpt.sqlite is default path if left empty
database_user =
# Not used with sqlite3.
database_password =
# Not used with sqlite3.
database_host =
# Not used with sqlite3.
database_port =

protocol = xmlrpc/ssl
password = test1234
certificate = /etc/bcfg2.crt
key = /etc/bcfg2.key
ca = /etc/bcfg2.crt

bcfg2 =

Add the machines to Bcfg2

bcfg2-admin can be used to add a machine to Bcfg2 easily. You need to know the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of ever system you want to control through Bcfg2.

bcfg2-admin client add <FQDN machine>

Bring your first machine under Bcfg2 control

Now it is time to get the first machine’s configuration into the Bcfg2 repository. The server will be the first machine. It’s already in the Metadata/client.xml.

Setup the Packages plugin

First, replace Pkgmgr with Packages in the plugins line of bcfg2.conf. Then create a Packages/ directory in /var/lib/bcfg2

$ su -c 'mkdir /var/lib/bcfg2/Packages'

Create a packages.conf in the /var/lib/bcfg2/Packages directory with the following contents:


Create a sources.xml file for the packages in /var/lib/bcfg2/Packages with the following content. Choose a mirror near your location according the Mirror list .

    <Group name="fedora-13">
        <Source type="yum" url="" version="13">

Due to the “Magic Groups”, we need to modify our Metadata. Let’s add a fedora13 group which inherits a fedora group (this should replace the existing redhat group) present in /var/lib/bcfg2/Metadata/groups.xml. The resulting file should look something like this


The reason we are creating a release-specific group in this case is that the YUMSource above is specific to the 13th release of fedora. That is, it should not apply to other releases (14, 15, etc).

<Groups version='3.0'>
    <Group profile='true' public='true' default='true' name='basic'>
       <Group name='fedora13'/>
    <Group name='fedora13'/>
       <Group name='fedora'/>
    <Group name='ubuntu'/>
    <Group name='debian'/>
    <Group name='freebsd'/>
    <Group name='gentoo'/>
    <Group name='fedora'/>
    <Group name='suse'/>
    <Group name='mandrake'/>
    <Group name='solaris'/>


When editing your xml files by hand, it is useful to occasionally run bcfg2-lint to ensure that your xml validates properly.

Add a probe

The next step for the client will be to have the proper arch group membership. For this, we will make use of the Dynamic Groups capabilities of the Probes plugin. Add Probes to your plugins line in bcfg2.conf and create the Probe:

$ su -c 'mkdir /var/lib/bcfg2/Probes'
$ su -c 'cat /var/lib/bcfg2/Probes/groups'

echo "group:`uname -m`"

Now a restart of bcfg2-server is needed:

$ su -c '/etc/init.d/bcfg2-server restart'

To test the Probe just run bcfg2 -vqn.

$ su -c 'bcfg2 -vqn'
Running probe group
Probe group has result:

Start managing packages

Add a base-packages bundle. Let’s see what happens when we just populate it with the yum package. Create the base-packages.xml in your Bundler/ directory with a entry for yum.

$ cat /var/lib/bcfg2/Bundler/base-packages.xml
<Bundle name='base-packages'>
        <Package name='yum'/>

You need to reference the bundle from your group.xml. The resulting profile group might look something like this

<Group profile='true' public='true' default='true' name='basic'>
   <Bundle name='base-packages'/>
   <Group name='fedora13'/>

Now if we run the client, we can see what this has done for us.:


As you can see, the Packages plugin has generated the dependencies required for the yum package automatically. The ultimate goal should be to move all the packages from the Unmanaged entries section to the Managed entries section. So, what exactly are those Unmanaged entries?:


Now you can go through these and continue adding the packages you want to your Bundle. After a while, I ended up with a minimal bundle that looks like this

<Bundle name='base-packages'>


Now when I run the client, you can see I have only one unmanaged package:


The gpg-pubkey packages are special in that they are not really packages. Currently, the way to manage them is using BoundEntries. So, after adding them, our Bundle now looks like this


This does not actually control the contents of the files, you will need to do this part separately (see below).

<Bundle name='base-packages'>
        <BoundPackage name="gpg-pubkey" type="rpm" version="foo">
                        <Instance simplefile="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5" version="e8562897" release="459f07a4"/>
                        <Instance simplefile="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL" version="217521f6" release="45e8a532"/>
        <Package name='bcfg2-server'/>
        <Package name='exim'/>
        <Package name='grub'/>
        <Package name='kernel'/>
        <Package name='krb5-workstation'/>
        <Package name='m2crypto'/>
        <Package name='openssh-clients'/>
        <Package name='openssh-server'/>
        <Package name='prelink'/>
        <Package name='redhat-lsb'/>
        <Package name='rpm-build'/>
        <Package name='rsync'/>
        <Package name='sysklogd'/>
        <Package name='vim-enhanced'/>
        <Package name='yum'/>


version=”foo” is just a dummy attribute for the gpg-pubkey Package

To actually push the gpg keys out via Bcfg2, you will need to manage the files as well. This can be done by adding Path entries for each of the gpg keys you want to manage

<Bundle name='base-packages'>
        <Path name='/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5'/>
        <Path name='/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL'/>
        <BoundPackage name="gpg-pubkey" type="rpm" version="foo">
                        <Instance simplefile="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5" version="e8562897" release="459f07a4"/>
                        <Instance simplefile="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL" version="217521f6" release="45e8a532"/>
        <Package name='bcfg2-server'/>
        <Package name='exim'/>
        <Package name='grub'/>
        <Package name='kernel'/>
        <Package name='krb5-workstation'/>
        <Package name='m2crypto'/>
        <Package name='openssh-clients'/>
        <Package name='openssh-server'/>
        <Package name='prelink'/>
        <Package name='redhat-lsb'/>
        <Package name='rpm-build'/>
        <Package name='rsync'/>
        <Package name='sysklogd'/>
        <Package name='vim-enhanced'/>
        <Package name='yum'/>

Then add the files to Cfg:

mkdir -p Cfg/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
cp /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 !$/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
mkdir -p Cfg/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL
cp /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL !$/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL

Now, running the client shows only unmanaged Service entries. Woohoo!

Manage services

Now let’s clear up the unmanaged service entries by adding the following entries to our bundle...

<!-- basic services -->
<Service name='atd'/>
<Service name='avahi-daemon'/>
<Service name='bcfg2-server'/>
<Service name='crond'/>
<Service name='cups'/>
<Service name='gpm'/>
<Service name='lvm2-monitor'/>
<Service name='mcstrans'/>
<Service name='messagebus'/>
<Service name='netfs'/>
<Service name='network'/>
<Service name='postfix'/>
<Service name='rawdevices'/>
<Service name='sshd'/>
<Service name='syslog'/>

...and bind them in Rules

[root@centos ~]# cat /var/lib/bcfg2/Rules/services.xml
<Rules priority='1'>
        <!-- basic services -->
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='atd'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='avahi-daemon'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='bcfg2-server'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='crond'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='cups'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='gpm'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='lvm2-monitor'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='mcstrans'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='messagebus'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='netfs'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='network'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='postfix'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='rawdevices'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='sshd'/>
        <Service type='chkconfig' status='on' name='syslog'/>

Now we run the client and see there are no more unmanaged entries!

$ su -c 'bcfg2 -veqn'

Adding Plugins


Adding the Git plugins can preserve versioning information. The first step is to add Git to your plugin line:

plugins = Base,Bundler,Cfg,...,Git

For tracking the configuration files in the /var/lib/bcfg2 directory a git repository need to be established:

git init

For more detail about the setup of git please refer to a git tutorial. The first commit can be the empty or the allready populated directory:

git add . && git commit -a

While running bcfg2-info the following line will show up:

Initialized git plugin with git directory = /var/lib/bcfg2/.git