
Using Bcfg2 With CentOS

This section covers specific topics for using Bcfg2 with CentOS. Most likely the tips on this page also apply to other members of the Red Hat family of Linux operating systems.

From Source

Install Prerequisities

While you can go about building all these things from source, this how to will try and meet the dependencies using packages from EPEL or RPMforge. The el5 package should be compatible with CentOS 5.x.


[root@centos ~]# rpm -Uvh


[root@centos ~]# rpm -Uvh


Be careful with mixing package repositories.

Now you can install the rest of the prerequisites:

[root@centos ~]# yum install python-genshi python-cheetah python-lxml

Build Packages from source

  • After installing git, clone the master branch:

    [root@centos redhat]# git clone git://
  • Install the fedora-packager package

    [root@centos ~]# yum install fedora-packager
  • A directory structure for the RPM build process has to be established.

    [you@centos ~]$ rpmdev-setuptree
  • Change to the redhat directory of the checked out Bcfg2 source:

    [you@centos ~]$ cd bcfg2/redhat/
  • In the particular directory is a Makefile which will do the job of building the RPM packages. You can do this as root, but it’s not recommended:

    [you@centos redhat]$ make
  • Now the new RPM package can be installed. Please adjust the path to your RPM package:

    [root@centos ~]# rpm -ihv /home/YOU/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/bcfg2-server-1.0.0-0.2r5835.noarch.rpm

Install Packages from Package repository

To install the bcfg2-server and bcfg2 from a package repository, just use Yum to do it:

[root@centos ~]# yum install bcfg2-server bcfg2

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