

This page describes the installation and use of the NagiosGen plugin.

Update /etc/bcfg2.conf, adding NagiosGen to plugins:

plugins = Base,Bundler,Cfg,...,NagiosGen

Create the NagiosGen directory:

$ mkdir /var/lib/bcfg2/NagiosGen

Create default host, and group specs in:

  • /var/lib/bcfg2/NagiosGen/default-host.cfg:

    define host{
            name                            default
            check_command                   check-host-alive
            check_interval                  5
            check_period                    24x7
            contact_groups                  admins
            event_handler_enabled           1
            failure_prediction_enabled      1
            flap_detection_enabled          1
            initial_state                   o
            max_check_attempts              10
            notification_interval           0
            notification_options            d,u,r
            notification_period             workhours
            notifications_enabled           1
            process_perf_data               0
            register                        0
            retain_nonstatus_information    1
            retain_status_information       1
            retry_interval                  1
  • /var/lib/bcfg2/NagiosGen/default-group.cfg:

    define service{
            name                            default-service
            active_checks_enabled           1
            passive_checks_enabled          1
            obsess_over_service             0
            check_freshness                 0
            notifications_enabled           1
            event_handler_enabled           1
            flap_detection_enabled          1
            process_perf_data               0
            retain_status_information       1
            retain_nonstatus_information    1
            is_volatile                     0
            check_period                    24x7
            max_check_attempts              4
            check_interval                  5
            retry_interval                  1
            contact_groups                  admins
            notification_options            w,u,c,r
            notification_interval           0
            notification_period             workhours

Create group configuration files (Named identical to Bcfg2 groups) and add services, and commands specific to the hostgroup (Bcfg2 group) in

  • /var/lib/bcfg2/NagiosGen/base-group.cfg:

    define hostgroup{
            hostgroup_name  base
            alias           base
            notes           Notes
    define service{
            service_description             NTP
            check_command                   check_ntp!
            use                             default-service
            hostgroup_name                  base
    define command{
            command_name    check_ssh
            command_line    $USER1$/check_ssh $ARG1$ $HOSTADDRESS$
    define service{
            service_description             SSH
            check_command                   check_ssh!
            use                             default-service
            hostgroup_name                  base
  • /var/lib/bcfg2/NagiosGen/web-server-group.cfg:

    define hostgroup{
            hostgroup_name  web-server
            alias           Port 80 Web Servers
            notes           UC/ANL Teragrid Web Servers Running on Port 80
    define command{
            command_name    check_http_80
            command_line    $USER1$/check_http $HOSTADDRESS$
    define service{
            service_description             HTTP:80
            check_command                   check_http_80!
            use                             default-service
            hostgroup_name                  web-server

Create a nagios Bcfg2 bundle /var/lib/bcfg2/Bundler/nagios.xml

<Bundle name='nagios' version='2.0'>
  <Path name='/etc/nagiosgen.status'/>
  <Group name='rh'>
    <Group name='nagios-server'>
      <Path name='/etc/nagios/nagiosgen.cfg'/>
      <Package name='libtool-libs'/>
      <Package name='nagios'/>
      <Package name='nagios-www'/>
      <Service name='nagios'/>
  <Group name='debian-lenny'>
    <Group name='nagios-server'>
      <Path name='/etc/nagios3/nagiosgen.cfg'
      <Package name='nagios3'/>
      <Package name='nagios3-common'/>
      <Package name='nagios3-doc'/>
      <Package name='nagios-images'/>
      <Service name='nagios3'/>

Assign clients to nagios groups in /var/lib/bcfg2/Metadata/groups.xml

<Group name='nagios'>
  <Bundle name='nagios'/>

<Group name='nagios-server'>
  <Bundle name='nagios'/>

Update nagios configuration file to use nagiosgen.cfg:


Note that some of these files are built on demand, each time a client in group “nagios-server” checks in with the Bcfg2 server. Local nagios instances can be configured to use the NagiosGen directory in the Bcfg2 repository directly.

Fine-Grained Configuration

NagiosGen can be configured in excruciating detail by editing NagiosGen/config.xml, which will let you set individual Nagios options for hosts or groups. E.g.:

   <Group name="datacenter-2">
      <Option name="parents">dc-2-switch</Option>
   <Group name="non-production">
      <Option name="notification_period">workhours</Option>
      <Option name="notification_options">d</Option>
   <Client name="">
      <Option name="max_check_attempts">10</Option>

Obviously the sort of fine-grained control you get from this overlaps to some degree with Nagios’ own templating, so use it wisely and in moderation.

NagiosGen/config.xml replaces the files Properties/NagiosGen.xml and NagiosGen/parents.xml in older versions of Bcfg2; your old configs can be migrated using the tool. The plugin does contain a backwards-compatibility layer for those older config files, but NagiosGen/config.xml must exist (even if empty) for the plugin to function.

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