.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. _server-plugins-misc-guppy: ===== Guppy ===== This plugin is used to trace memory leaks within the bcfg2-server process using Guppy_. By default the remote debugger is started when this plugin is enabled. The debugger can be disabled in a running process using ``bcfg2-admin xcmd Guppy.Disable`` and enabled using ``bcfg2-admin xcmd Guppy.Enable``. .. _Guppy: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/guppy/0.1.8 Setup ===== - Install the Guppy_ package first. - Add *Guppy* to the **plugins** line in ``bcfg2.conf``. Use cases ========= To attach the console run:: python -c "from guppy import hpy;hpy().monitor()" Example ======= .. code-block:: sh # python -c "from guppy import hpy;hpy().monitor()" *** Connection 1 opened *** lc CID PID ARGV 1 25063 ['/usr/sbin/bcfg2-server', '-D', '/var/run/bcfg2-server.pid'] sc 1 Remote connection 1. To return to Monitor, type or . int Remote interactive console. To return to Annex, type '-'. >>> hp.heap()