

For a list of all available xml bundles use list-xml. list-genshi will list all available genshi bundles.:

.. code-block:: sh
# bcfg2-admin bundles list-xml # bcfg2-admin bundles list-genshi

show provides an interactive dialog to get details about the available bundles.:

.. code-block:: sh
# bcfg2-admin bundles show Available bundles (Number of bundles: 4) —————————————- [0] motd.xml [1] snmpd.xml [2] bcfg2.xml [3] ntp.xml Enter the line number of a bundle for details: 3 Details for the “ntp” bundle: Package: xntp Path: /etc/sysconfig/xntp Path: /etc/sysconfig/clock Path: /etc/ntp.conf Service: xntpd

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